20 Things To Do Before 20

Death_to_stock_photography_Vibrant-(10-of-10)There are still roughly 186 days before I say farewell to my teenage years; and as early as now, I can already say to myself – “Teenage years, well-spent!” I haven’t been in any wild and extra amazing adventures but, I am content with everything that I have experienced and am really very happy that I’ve had the chance of meeting amazing people along the way. HOWEVER, it’s not yet my birthday so I’m not going to provide you with a summary of my emotions and realizations for the past years.

What I am going to share with you today is a bucket list of some simple things that I wanted to do before I turn twenty years old. Why create a list? I wanted to spice things up and add a bit of challenge into my very messy and unorganized life. I mean, my sleeves are already filled up with University work so why not aggravate the situation??? Anyways, here’s my embarrassing list of things to do before I grow older –

~ the easy peasy stuff ~

  1. Abstain from any alcoholic drink (I’m only an occasional drinker so to get rid of it in my system is actually pretty easy)
  2. Save up for and buy a new pair of shoes and new clothes
  3. Abstain from eating junk food
  4. Stop drinking carbonated drinks
  5. Go on for a week without eating sweets (aka cut off on your sugar, honey)
  6. Watch at least 3 movies in theaters

~ the quite challenging things for me ~

     7.   Go on an internet purge (almost all of uni work requires going online)
     8.   Open a bank account (a very adult-ish thing to do, but very practical)
     9.   Go to a museum alone
     10. Dye my hair
     11.  Read 10 books
     12. Go to a music and/or arts festival
     13.  Learn how to do things on Adobe Premiere and After Effects

~ tough love, tough work ~

     14. Puff my first cigarette and never do it again (There are always moments for first)
     15. Make cleaning and organizing a habit
     16. Attend a calligraphy workshop
     17. Get eyelash extensions
     18. Volunteer on an International Organization like World Vision or UNICEF
     19. Decide on which career path I would take after graduation
     20. “To love and to be loved in return…”

5 thoughts on “20 Things To Do Before 20

  1. Best of luck in achieving your 20 goals–do keep us informed on your progress. And, don’t worry, no one enjoys their first puff of a cigarette. Trying a cigarette completely put me off, having previously been indifferent to smoking.


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